Friday, April 28, 2006

Change, anybody?

Here we are....on the street, walking as if to a destination.
in front of the screen, typing as if it is an origin of something new....
or pretending to be poised, even when the mind is
rolling all over the place...
what did you ask?

and where is the roll to?

Its a journey, to nowhere.
Again and again people come, events happen, profound -
life changing or disgusting and devastating.

Yet, nothing stays.

Ofcourse! When we look back and see
it is as if there is nothing there....
there was, but as if it has moved out, elsewhere now, relocated
Memories, distant and hazy
of times spent that felt unforgettable
or unbearable....bitter or sweet,
in love or fear or disgust or bliss
and yet
it all drips away like water slipping through fingers...

How come doing something that you arent required to do becomes way less of a drag?

What causes this whole panorama of human emotions? What is behind the intense sensation
that sends chills down my spine everytime i look at the myriad and multitude of the stars?
What is it that forms the very basis of life and keeps it interesting?
What makes Seinfeld funny?

What makes State College weather a thrill ride for some and torture for others?

Are you bored?
Change, Anybody?

Oh, that the answer?
Of course not-thats a question: Change, Anybody?

What kind of a question is that, you ask?

Change? Anybody?

jee, Who asks such questions apart from the lonely homeless guy standing
in the NY subway station looking with pleading eyes?

Ah but wait a minute, are you bored - change , anybody?

hm...isnt boredom just a call for change?

maybe, but change in what?

well, it depends on what you are bored of....job, relationship, environment, tv, food, writing, reading, exercise, traffic, waiting, what else are you bored of? searching, working, lack of humor
reading this blog....well well..are you? hm...
so we really need a change then...

okay so how does Seinfeld come into the picture at all?
Why-through the electrons hitting the inside of the picture tube of course, or through the numerous liquid crystals re-orienting themselves in response to electrons doing a concerted dance in the transmitter of the TV station hundreds of miles away
or due to the creativity and ingenuity that is behind the quirks in the habits of the
population who supply an endless store of
jokes for Seinfeld to make us laugh-there could be any number of reasons...

what ? this makes no sense? wonderful then you are on the right track....

Change, Anybody?

okay dont read this line then...

hey hey hey you already read it...

well well, lets focus again.......



miss a word in this line.....

okay, did you read it ?

one man's annoyance is another man's laugh...
what makes humor humorous?
Change? Anybody?
Change...and Seinfeld......

so much in praise of change...time to change the topic, change of clothes and change of mind-sleep......

till we see
Change What?


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